Abbreviations and Techniques (alphabetical order)

Click on the abbreviation to view a video tutorial and detailed written instructions (where available)

  • Dec - Decrease(s) / decreasing
  • Inc - Increase(s) / Increasing
  • K - Knit
  • Kbf - Knit into the back and front of the same stitch (increase 1 stitch) - tutorial coming soon
  • Kfb -Knit into the front and back of the same stitch (increase 1 stitch)
  • K2tog - Knit 2 together (decrease 1 stitch)
  • K3tog - Knit 3 together (decrease 2 stitches)
  • K-tbl - Knit 1 stitch through the back loop
  • Kyok - knit, yarnover, knit (increase 2 stitches)
  • Kpk in 1 - Knit, purl, knit in 1 (increase 2 stitches)
  • LH - Left hand
  • M1L - Make 1 left (increase 1 stitch) 
  • M1R - Make 1 right (increase 1 stitch) 
  • P - Purl
  • PB - place bead and purl stitch
  • PM - Place marker 
  • P2tog - Purl 2 together (decrease 1 stitch)
  • P3tog - Purl 3 together (decrease 2 stitches)
  • P2tog-tbl - Purl 2 stitches together through the back loops
  • RH - Right hand
  • RS - Right side
  • WS - Wrong side
  • Sl1 wyib - With the yarn held at the back, slip the next stitch purlwise - tutorial coming soon
  • Sl1 wyif - With the yarn held in front as if to purl, slip 1 stitch
  • Sl1-k1-psso - Slip 1 stitch knitwise, knit the next stitch, pass the slipped stitch over the knit stitch (decrease 1 stitch)
  • Sl2tog-k1-psso - Slip 2 stitches together, knit 1, pass the slipped stitches over the knit stitch (decrease 2 stitches)
  • Sl1-k2tog-p2sso - Slip 1 stitch knitwise, knit the next 2 stitches together, pass the slipped stitch over the k2tog (decrease 2 stitches)
  • SM - Slip marker
  • Ssk - slip, slip, knit (decrease 1 stitch)
  • Sssk - Slip, slip, slip, knit ( decrease 2 stitches)
  • W&T - Wrap and turn - tutorial coming soon
  • WWS - Work wrapped stitch - tutorial coming soon
  • Yo - yarn over


Cable Stitches

A range of cable tutorials will be coming very soon

  • 1/1 LC - Slip the next stitch onto a cable needle and hold at the front, knit the next stitch, then knit the stitch from the cable needle
  • 1/1 RC - Slip the next stitch onto a cable needle and hold at the back, knit the next stitch, then knit the stitch from the cable needle
  • 2/1 RC - Slip the next stitch onto a cable needle and hold at the back, knit the next 2 stitches and then the stitch from the cable needle  
  • 2/1 LC - Slip the next 2 stitches onto a cable needle and hold at the front, knit the next stitch and then the 2 stitches from the cable needle  
  • 2/2 LC - Slip 2 stitches onto a cable needle and hold at the front, knit the next 2 stitches and then the 2 stitches from the cable needle
  • 2/2 RC -  Slip 2 stitches onto a cable needle and hold at the back, knit the next 2 stitches and then the 2 stitches from the cable needle
  • 4/4 LC - Slip 4 stitches onto a cable needle and hold at the front, knit the next 4 stitches and then the 4 stitches from the cable needle
  • 4/4 RC - Slip 4 stitches onto a cable needle and hold at the back, knit the next 4 stitches and then the 4 stitches from the cable needle  
  • 6/6 LC - Slip 6 stitches onto a cable needle and hold at the front, knit the next 6 stitches and then the 6 stitches from the cable needle
  • 6/6 RC - Slip 6 stitches onto a cable needle and hold at the back, knit the next 6 stitches and then the 6 stitches from the cable needle