Knit Decreases

K2tog - Knit 2 together - decreases the stitch count by 1 stitch and creates a right leaning decrease

Ssk - Slip, slip, knit - decreases the stitch count by 1 stitch and creates a left leaning decrease

Sl1-k2tog-psso - Slip one, knit 2 together, pass slipped stitch over - decreases the stitch count by 2 stitches and creates a left leaning decrease

Sl2tog-k1-p2sso - Slip 2 together, knit 1, pass slipped stitches over - decreases the stitch count by 2 stitches and creates a straight centre stitch

K3tog - Knit 3 together - decreases the stitch count by 2 stitches and creates a right leaning decrease

Sssk - Slip, slip, slip, knit - decreases the stitch count by 2 stitches and creates a left leaning decrease

Purl Decreases

P2tog - Purl 2 together - decreases the stitch count by 1 stitch and creates a right leaning decrease when viewed from the right side 

P2tog-tbl - Purl 2 together through the back loop - decreases the stitch count by 1 stitch and creates a left leaning decrease when viewed from the right side  

P3tog - Purl 3 together - decreases the stitch count by 2 stitches and creates a right leaning decrease when viewed from the right side   

K2tog - Knit 2 Together 

This stitch, worked on a knit row, creates a right leaning decrease which will decrease your stitch count by 1 stitch.

1. Insert the right hand needle, from left to right, into the 2nd and then the 1st stitch on the left hand needle

2. Wrap the yarn around the right hand needle and draw a new stitch through both stitches, dropping them from the left hand needle

Ssk - Slip, slip, knit 

This stitch, when worked on a knit row, creates a left leaning decrease will will decrease your stitch count by 1 stitch.

1. Slip 2 stitches, one at a time, knitwise to the right hand needle

2. Insert the left hand needle into the front of both slipped stitches

3. Wrap the yarn around and pull a new stitch through both stitches, dropping them both off the needle

P2tog - Purl 2 Together 

Worked on the purl side this decrease will create a right leaning decrease when viewed from the knit side

1. With the yarn in front, insert the right hand needle through the next 2 stitches on the left hand needle, from right to left

2. Wrap the yarn over and under the right hand needle and pull a new stitch through both stitches

3. Drop the 2 stitches from the left hand needle

P3tog - Purl 3 Together 

Worked on the purl side this 2 stitch decrease will create a right leaning decrease when viewed from the knit side

1. With the yarn in front, insert the right hand needle through the next 3 stitches on the left hand needle, from right to left

2. Wrap the yarn over and under the right hand needle and pull a new stitch through the 3 stitches

3. Drop the 3 stitches from the left hand needle

Sl1-k2tog-psso - Slip 1, Knit 2 together, Pass Slipped Stitch Over (can also be abbreviated as Sk2p)

This left leaning double decrease will reduce the overall stitch count by 2 stitches.

1. Slip 1 stitch knitwise from the left to the right hand needle

2. Knit 2 stitches together (k2tog)

3. Insert the left hand needle into the front of the slipped stitch and lift this over the k2tog stitch 

Sl2tog-k1-p2sso - Slip 2 stitches together, knit 1, pass slipped stitches over the k2tog (can also be abbreviated as S2kp)

Worked on the knit side, this double decrease will reduce the overall stitch count by 2 stitches. 

It will create a straight centre stitch with the stitches each side leaning towards the centre

1. Insert the right hand needle into the 2nd and 1st stitches, from right to left, and slip both stitches together to the right hand needle

2. Knit the next stitch on the left hand needle 

3. Insert the left hand needle into the front of the 2 slipped stitches and lift these over the knit stitch

K3tog - Knit 3 Together 

This double decrease will result in a right leaning decrease on the knit side and will reduce the overall stitch count by 2 stitches

1. Insert the right hand needle from left to right into the 3rd, 2nd and 1st stitches on the left hand needle

2. Wrap the yarn around the right hand needle and knit the 3 stitches together

3. Drop the 3 stitches off the left hand needle


P2tog-tbl - Purl 2 Together through the back loops 

This decrease can be quite tricky to get the hang of, but it helps if you keep the stitches loose on the previous row. It decreases the stitch count by 1 stitch and creates a left leaning decrease when viewed from the right side    

1. Insert the right hand needle from left to right, into the backs of the 2nd and 1st stitches on the left hand needle

2. Wrap the yarn around the back of the right hand needle and bring back to the front, pushing the new stitch through the back of the 2 stitches

3. Drop the 2 stitches off the left hand needle

Sssk - Slip, slip, slip, knit 

This double decrease will result in a left leaning decrease on the knit side and will reduce the overall stitch count by 2 stitches

1. Slip 3 stitches, one at a time, knitwise, to the right hand needle

2. Insert the left hand needle into the front of all 3 slipped stitches. Wrap the yarn around and pull a new stitch through all 3 stitches

3. Drop the 3 stitches off the left hand needle