Here you can find links to pattern specific tutorials, including:

Christmas Cracker Wrap

  • Working the Picot Bind-Off

  • Picking up the stitches from the Provisional Crochet Cast-On

  • Identifying and Fixing any stitches missing along the edge after picking up the cast-on stitches

Seaspray and Mainsail Shawls

  • How to work the Arrowhead Lace pattern

Branching Out Shawl

  • How to work the dropped stitch bind off

Sail Away Shawl

  • How to work the 'K2tog, yo, purl' sequence

  • How to work the 'Purl, yo, ssk' sequence

Lake Louise Shawl

  • How to work the double yo stitch

Summer Rain Shawl

  • How to work the triple yo stitch

  • How to work the (k, yo, k, yo, k) into the triple yo stitch

Every Day I'm Ruffling Shawl

  • How to pick up slipped stitches to join the ruffle border

What's New Pussycat (Shawl and Sweater)

  • How to work the Gathering Stitch for the whiskers

  • How to add the Nose Bead

Paper Lanterns Shawl

  • How to work the Dip Stitch and the 1/1 LC and 1/1 RC stitches without a cable needle

  • How to make the tasseled fringing

Upstream Shawl

  • How to work the Dropstitch

  • How to work the Picot Bind Off

Chain Reaction Loops

  • Joining the loops on the Chain Reaction shawl 

Christmas Cracker Wrap - How to Work the Picot Bind-Off

This video hows how to work the decorative Picot Bind-Off on the edge of the Christmas Cracker Wrap knitting pattern. It also shows you how to read your stitches so that you can be sure you are working the picot in the correct place each time.

Step 5 is slightly different for both ends of the wrap. To see the video for the picot placements on the provisional cast-on end of the wrap, watch from 8:15

To work the Picot bind-off:

1. Knit 2 stitches

2. Pass the 1st stitch over the 2nd stitch (one stitch bound off)

3. Knit the next stitch

4. Pass the 1st stitch over the 2nd stitch (one stitch bound off)

5. If you are binding-off after the last lace repeat: Repeat steps 3-4 three more times If you are binding-off at the provisional cast-on end of the wrap: Repeat steps 3-4 two more times

6. Slip the single stitch on the right-hand needle to the left-hand needle

7. Cast on 3 stitches using a knitted cast on

8. Knit 2 stitches

9. Pass the 1st stitch over the 2nd stitch (one stitch bound off)

10. Knit the next stitch

11. Pass the 1st stitch over the 2nd stitch (one stitch bound off)

12. Repeat steps 10-11 seven more times

13. Repeat steps 6-12 thirteen more times

14. Repeat steps 6-11 once more 1

5. Repeat steps 10-11 to bind off the final sts

16. Cut yarn and pull through the last stitch to close.

Christmas Cracker Wrap - How to Pick up the Stitches from the Provisional Cast-On

This video shows you how to unzip the provisional crochet cast-on made at the start of the Christmas Cracker Wrap knitting pattern, and get the stitches back onto your needle.

The video shows how to pick up the live stitches so that you are ready to knit the next row. It also shows you how to read your stitches so you know you have picked up the correct number in each section.

One thing to note is that you will be picking up the stitches in between the stitches that you originally cast-on. So the stitches that you pick up will be offset by half a stitch. This means that by the time you have picked them all up, you will have 94 sts on your needle, not the 95 that you originally cast on.

The key with picking up the stitches is to go really slowly and transfer the stitches to your needle one-by-one. Don't worry about getting the stitches in the correct orientation as you pick them up, at the end of the video I show you how to set right any stitches in the wrong orientation on the next row.

If you drop or miss a stitch, don't panic, just mark the place with a locking stitch marker. In the next video I show you how to identify and fix any missed or dropped stitches along the edge and get your stitch count back up to where it needs to be.

Christmas Cracker Wrap - How to Identify and Fix any Missed Stitches after you have picked up the Stitches the Provisional Cast-On

In this video I show you how you can identify and fix any missed stitches after you have picked up the live stitches from the provisional cast-on.

As the provisional cast-on is worked directly before a lace section, it's not as straightforward to see the stitches as it would usually be as the chevron lace makes it a little bit trickier to see them.

It shows you how to count the stitches in each section to make sure you have a total of 94 before beginning the Picot Bind-Off.

You will need to have some locking stitch markers or pieces of scrap yarn hany to mark the locations of any missing stitches.

You will see how to:

  • Identity where the stitches should be

  • Fix a dropped stitch

  • Fix a missing stitch

  • Fix a missing yarnover stitch

Seaspray and Mainsail Shawls - How to work the Arrowhead Lace stitch pattern

This is a tutorial for the Arrowhead Lace as used in the Seaspray and Mainsail shawl patterns. This stitch pattern is worked over just 10 stitches and 4 rows (2 of which are purl rows). Once you have worked a few repeats and established the pattern it becomes easy to 'read' your stitches. This tutorial is full of hints and tips to make sure that you always work a lace stitch in the correct place on each row.

Here is the stitch pattern for the Arrowhead Lace repeats.

Row 1: K1, (yo, ssk) twice, k1, (k2tog, yo) twice

Row 2: Purl

Row 3: K2, yo, ssk, yo, sl2tog-k1-p2sso, yo, k2tog, yo, k1

Row 4: Purl

To download the Seaspray Shawl click here

To download the Mainsail shawl click here

Branching Out Shawl - How to work the Dropped Stitch Bind Off

This pattern has an unusual bind off which includes dropping the column of purl stitches that run between each of the cable columns and then creating some extra stitches on the bind off which allows the strands room to really stretch out when blocked. 

  1. With RS facing k2tog through the back loops.
  2. Slip the single stitch back to the LH needle purlwise.
  3. Knit this stitch and the next stitch on the needle through the back loops.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you reach the first purl stitch of the row.
  5. With the single stitch still on the RH needle, drop the purl stitch off the LH needle and unravel back to the yarnover stitch.
  6. Insert the LH needle into the horizontal strand of the dropped stitch, from front to back.
  7. Slip the stitch from the RH needle back to the LH needle.
  8. Knit this stitch and the strand together through the back loops, leaving the new stitch on the RH needle.
  9. Repeat steps 6-8 twice more.
  10. Repeat steps 2-3 until you reach the next purl stitch on the needle.
  11. Repeat steps 5-10 for the remainder of the bind off.

When you get to the last stitch, break off remaining yarn and thread through the last stitch to close. Weave in any loose ends and block your shawl.

For more details of the pattern please visit the pattern page HERE

Sail Away Shawl - How to work the 'K2tog, yo, purl' stitch sequence

A yarnover between a knit and a purl stitch is processed a bit differently than usual. Here's how to work the sequence:

  1. K2tog
  2. Bring the working yarn under the Right Hand needle and to the front. Wrap the yarn around the needle anti-clockwise ending with the yarn back at the front
  3. Work a purl stitch

For more details of the pattern please visit the pattern page HERE

Sail Away Shawl - How to work the 'purl, yo, ssk' stitch sequence

A yarnover between a purl and a knit stitch is processed a bit differently than usual. Here's how to work the sequence:

Right Side:

  1. Work a purl stitch
  2. Take the working yarn to the back of the work. Wrap it around the Right Hand needle clockwise ending with the yarn at the back again
  3. Ssk the next 2 sts together.

Wrong side:

When you get to the yarnover made on the previous row it will be in the wrong orientation. Work into the back of the yarnover to set it right. In the demo I am working a purl stitch into the yarnover.

For more details of the pattern please visit the pattern page HERE

Lake Louise Shawl - How to work the Double YO Stitch

This tutorial shows how to work the double yo stitch used throughout the Lake Louise shawl pattern. This double yo has a decrease stitch each side, a k2tog before and an ssk after to balance out the stitch count.

RS Row: K2tog. To make the double yarnover, bring the yarn to the front and wrap it around the right hand needle, bringing it back to the front again. Ssk the next 2 sts.

WS Row: Purl to the point of the double yo. Knit into the back of the first loop and slide this off the needle holding the 2nd loop in place. Knit into the front of the 2nd loop. Bring the yarn back to the front and carry on purling.

For more details of the pattern please visit the pattern page HERE

Summer Rain Shawl - How to work the Triple YO Stitch

This tutorial shows how to work the triple yo stitch that occurs on rows 6, 18, 30 and 42 of the pattern.

Purl to the placement of the triple yo stitch.

Keeping the yarn at the front, take it up and behind the right hand needle and back to the front.

Repeat another 2 times.

Keeping the yarn at the front, continue purling to the next triple yo.

For more details of the pattern please visit the pattern page HERE

Every Day I'm Ruffling Shawl - How to work the (k, yo, k, yo, k) into the triple yo

This tutorial shows you how to work the (k, yo, k, yo, k) stitch into the triple yo stitch made on the previous row.

Knit to the point of the triple yo.

Knit into the first loop of the triple yo, drop the stitch off the left hand needle and bring the yarn back to the front.

Keeping the yarn at the front, knit into the 2nd loop, drop the stitch and bring the yarn back to the front.

Keeping the yarn at the front, knit into the 3rd loop.

Continue knitting as per the pattern.

For more details of the pattern please visit the pattern page HERE

What's New Pussycat - How to work the Gathering Stitch

This tutorial show how to work the gathering stitch for the whiskers in the What's New Pussycat pattern.

Insert the right-hand needle under the 3 loose strands and through the stitch below the next stitch on the left-hand needle from front to back.

Wrap the yarn around needle and pull a loop through the stitch and back under the 3 loose strands.

Place loop on the left-hand needle, then k2tog tbl of new loop and the next st on the left-hand needle

For more details of the pattern please visit the pattern page HERE

What's New Pussycat - Adding the Nose Bead

This tutorial show how to add the nose bead to the What's New Pussycat pattern.

Lift up the strand that runs to the stitch on the right-hand needle and place this on the left-hand needle. Place the nose bead by using a small crochet hook and pushing the bead over both loops on the left-hand needle and then knit these 2 sts together

For details of the patterns please visit the pattern page for the shawl HERE or the sweater HERE

Paper Lanterns Shawl - How to work the Dip Stitch, 1/1 RC and 1/1 LC without a cable needle

This tutorial walks you through the 4 rows of the dip stitch pattern used in the Paper Lanterns shawl.

Row 1: Dip Stitch Row (time in video - 0:36)

Sl1 wyif, change to the contrast colour yarn , k2, ssk. Dip Stitch: Insert the RH needle into the stitch 4 rows below the next stitch, this will be the last row of the 2 stripe down. Drop the next stitch from the LH needle and unravel down to the held stitch. Wrap the yarn around the RH needle and draw a stitch through the held stitch and the 4 loose strands (handy tip: keep the held stitch to the right of the dropped stitches as you pull the stitch through as this will ensure it sits at the front), k5* repeat these steps to the end of the row as per the pattern. For the last dip stitch of the row you will use the kyok stitch from a previous row

Row 2: Purl as per pattern

Row 3: Working the 1/1 LC and 1/1 RC without a cable needle (time in video - 3:57)

*1/1 LC - Insert the RH needle into the back of the 2nd stitch on the LH needle. Wrap the yarn around and pull a stitch through. Take the RH needle into the front of the 1st stitch on the LH needle and pull a stitch through. Drop both stitches from the LH needle. K1.

1/1 RC - Insert the RH needle into the front of the 2nd stitch on the LH needle. Wrap the yarn around and pull a stitch through. Take the RH needle into the front of the 1st stitch on the LH needle and pull a stitch through. Drop both stitches from the LH needle.K1*

Repeat these steps as per the pattern to the end of the row. On the contrast colour rows you will finish with a 1/1 LC before working the kyok.

Row 4: Purl as per pattern

Paper Lanterns Shawl - How to make the Tassel Fringe

Turn the work to wrong side facing. We will be starting from the last stitch that was just cast off along the garter edge. Take both the joining end and the finish end of the first contrast stripe yarn and knot them together, but don’t pull the strands tight as this will distort the edge. They will form part of the fringing so can be kept fairly loose. Repeat this for all of the loose ends of the contrast yarns.

Cut all of the loose strands to about 3” / 7.5cm

Take a small piece of cardboard measuring roughly 3.5” / 9cm by 2” / 5cm, hold it so that the smaller edge is at the top and cut a small slit.

Step 1: Choose a yarn and catch the end of it in the top slit, wrapping it around the card lengthways 3 times. Cut the yarn.

Step 2: Slide the loops off the card from the bottom and use your index finger to catch the top of the loops of the tassel so you don’t lose any strands. Catch the rest of the strands in your left hand.

Step 3: With the tassel still in your left hand, pick up the crochet hook and insert this under both strands of the 1st slipped stitch on the edge of the shawl.

Step 4: Slide the loops from your finger onto the crochet hook and pull the strands of the tassel through the slipped stitch, leaving a small loop.

Step 5: Catch the cast off end of yarn A in your left hand and hold this with the tassel. Use your fingers to pull all of the strands in your left hand through this loop. Gently tighten the knot.

Step 6: Follow steps 1 and 2 to make another tassel.

Step 7: Insert the crochet hook into the 2nd edge slipped stitch of the next contrast colour

Step 8: Slide the loops from your finger onto the crochet hook and pull the strands of the tassel through the slip stitch, leaving a small loop.

Step 9: Catch the stray ends of the contrast colour in your left hand and hold these with the tassel. Use your fingers to pull all of the strands in your left hand through this loop.

Repeat steps 6 to 9 for the remainder of the contrast colour tassels. Cut each tassel to about 3” / 7.5cm. 

Upstream Shawl - Drop Stitch

To work the drop stitch

1) Follow the pattern to the point where you make the drop stitch

2) Drop the next stitch off the needle and unravel to the previously made yarnover



Upstream Shawl - Picot Bind Off

This tutorial shows you how to work the Upstream Shawl Picot Bind Off

Set Up: Bind off 4 sts as follows:
• K2tog-tbl. Slip the stitch just made back to the LH needle purlwise – repeat 3 times
Step 2: Cast on 3 sts using the knitted cast on
Step 3: K3, k2tog-tbl. Turn work
Step 4: P2, p2tog. Turn work
Step 5: K2, k2tog-tbl. Turn work
Step 6: P1, p2tog. Turn work
Step 7: K1, k2tog-tbl. Turn work
Step 8: P2tog. Turn work
Step 9: Bind off 6 sts as per the instructions in step 1
Repeat Steps 2 – 9 to the last 4 sts. Bind these off as per step 1. For the last st, cut the yarn and pull this through to close.

Chain Reaction Shawl - Joining the Loops

1. Transfer the live stitches from the right hand needle onto a small stitch holder (or piece of scrap yarn)

2. Take the strip of stitches and feed this along with the remaining yarn, from back to front, through the previous loop

3. Place the live stitches back on the right hand needle before working the 3 needle bind off